Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Competitive Cribbage - Autumn 2023

The Autumn 2023 Competitive Cribbage Season has officially commenced!

The excellent competition in the (slightly shorter than usual) Summer 2023 season of competitive cribbage has come to a close, with all the statistics and top performers recorded. The season started off very busy, as is becoming a trend, with a lot of participants and some more new faces. More total games and matches were played this season than in the last season, and more than in many others as well. It was a busy one for many.

As we start into the Autumn 2023 season, there are no significant changes to the format. I know there are still desires for some changes, and we are still planning to do some, so I truly appreciate everyone's patience with that. After a bit more about last season, we have some important news about changes for Contest play as well, so be sure to read through to the bottom of this post for that.

The onset of Summer 2023 ushered in a wave of eager participants, with fresh faces gracing the Leaderboard. I'm sure some of you were thinking we may not see some of the past top players when the season first started, but that definitely changed as things progressed. The competition throughout the season was fierce, especially during the closing weeks at the pinnacle of the Leaderboard. These final weeks were marked by a captivating back-and-forth struggle, akin to a dynamic game of "musical chairs" as mentioned by some social media posts about the season. Watching "Mrpadre" move up to first place, then shortly later back down in what was essentially the final moments of the season, was both surprising and exciting to watch!

A sincere thanks again to all who took part, both as active contenders on the Leaderboard and as those just having a good time competing against your friend's ranks. It truly does take all of you to make a season work, and so thank you all for playing. Regardless of whether you found a spot within the coveted Top 50, the commitment and engagement shown by each of you is appreciated. It really does take all of you to make a season! Lastly, I just want to again acknowledge and extend a special thank you to those who introduced their friends to the exhilarating world of cribbage, and particularly our competitive cribbage format.

In 1st place for Summer 2023, we have "rookie22" up from 3rd last season. This top spot had some back and forth, even up to the very last few minutes of the season where a few final games made the difference to holding on! 2nd place is also someone we have seen before, "Mrpadre", up from 33rd last season. 3rd place goes to "iPeg", who really doesn't need much of an introduction, but was super fun to watch trade places as they broke into the Top 50 this season after joining in quite a bit later than usual. As a kind of honorable mention this season, we have "Saskie" finishing 4th, who was our 1st place last season. It looks like perhaps there was a "push" to try and get a few final games in by several players over the final days and hours, that caused a lot of back and forth in those top spots! That strategy may have worked for some, while not so much for others.

Other interesting movements in the Top 50 included "holinzend", up 25 places to finish 5th. "cbx1000z" who wasn't in the Top 50 last season, but finished in 7th place, "nob4one" finished in 10th up from 46th, and many others making big moves from past seasons as well!! The atmosphere was electric as we observed an exhilarating showdown for the leading ranks during the conclusive phase of this season. The recent weeks brought us closely contested rankings that had us on the edge of our seats. It was truly a delight to watch, and I sincerely trust that the enjoyment you experienced matched the enthusiasm I felt! Congratulations to each and every one of you for your exceptional displays of skill!

A special acknowledgment for all who achieved a place within the Top 50 this season! As recognition for your amazing achievement, you have been awarded with the special in-game "board peg" that represents your accomplishment. The top finisher is awarded the "crown" board peg, and all others in the Top 50 are awarded a "star" board peg. These pegs are shown to everyone when playing in online multiplayer games, and they are permanent, so if you see your opponent has one of them you can know that they have earned it by finishing in the Top 50 in competitive play.

Remember: Complete 10 matches per week! See the FAQ for details.

Here was the final Top 50 for Summer 2023:


Contest News - Cribbage Pro Contests is Retiring

For those who have been playing in past competitive cribbage seasons, you may notice something different this time around. Starting from this season onward, we're taking a different route by not giving out Cribbage Pro Gold awards for the Top 50. Very few of those Promotional Gold awards given out in the past were ever used, so practically speaking this isn't a significant change for most of you. Still, I wanted to share some insight into what is going on with the Contests system and why Cribbage Pro Gold wasn't awarded this season.

All players who were eligible to cash out their Cribbage Pro Gold have already received notifications about this. However, for those who are not yet aware, I'd like to share that the Cribbage Pro Contests system has gone into retirement and officially closed as of August 15th, 2023. There are several factors as to why that is, but after much consideration, and particularly given the limited popularity of Contests, we've decided it's the right time to move forward and focus on other work. This allows us to shift our focus towards other areas of the game while we work on bringing in more exciting features for all of you to enjoy! Thank you to everyone in the Cribbage Pro community who actively participated in the Contests system. We're working hard on introducing new and exciting features for you to enjoy in the future, possibly with that Gold still being used. Your continued support means the world to us, and we can't wait to share these new updates with you!

If you still have Cribbage Pro Gold in your account that is more than only "Promotional Gold" (so Gold that you actually either purchased or Promotional Gold that you used in a Contest and won as a prize amount - making it eligible to be cashed out), you can still cash that out if you missed the initial transition/retirement window. Simply email us any time with your request (email from the email address on your account, and include your username). The cash out process will be done manually now that the Contest system is retired, so it will run a little slower, but we will still get you cashed out. We will hold that cash out system open for an entire year from the date the Contests system ended (so until Aug. 15th 2024).

For those who have Promotional Gold that doesn't have a cash out value, like that which was awarded for a past competitive season and never used, it is still there on your account (even though future updates to the app will remove the Contests section so you may not see it). We hope to bring some new features in the future where you can make use of it at that time. As such, we will continue to not enforce the 6 month expiration of Promotional Gold, so it will stay there on your account. We don't have any more details to announce right now about what those features will be, but we will share more when we can.

If you have any questions, feedback on what you would like to see around prizes, structure or anything else, email us any time at support@FullerSystems.com.


  1. So there's no cap again on the difference in CRs between players? I just got matched up against someone with a 1400+ difference.

    1. There are several limits in place, but nothing has changed this season. Remember that the CR shown is a calculated value based on several factors, and those underlying factors are part of the matching system. Particularly in the start of the season, greater variation in the CR will happen, as well as more dynamic changes in the leaderboard.

  2. Saw a few top 50 players with fewer than 10 games per week (cumulative). All players should have X weeks times at least 10 games.

    1. Not all players started at the beginning of the season, and any who missed the minimum were given the appropriate adjustment.

  3. Just played a match. I received 5 notifications that my opponent's time expired and the match kept going. If I get 5 notifications that my time expired then I forfeit the match. Makes no sense.

    1. I appreciate how that can be confusing. It is important to remember that each timer running on each device involved in a multiplayer game is independent. So in situations like it can be that someone is waiting near the end of the timer to play, and although they do get the play off in time, it may arrive on your side a little later depending on internet lag/delay and similar.

    2. The fix seems very easy. If my opponent gets a time warning then notify me. Once he receives his 5th it's a forfeit. Currently, notifying me that my opponent exceeded their time limit when they may or may not have is pointless.

    3. ‘flashmatt’ did this in our game. intential delay timing out on every turn -30 minute game!! please address and fix these folks. takes fun out of experience.

    4. Gasman67, if you see any situation like that, please take a screenshot and send it to us for review at support@FullerSystems.com We will investigate, and do ban players for inappropriate conduct, which includes intentional slow play.

  4. Since the opponent timer is broken why not just replace it with four check boxes? When the opponent receives a real play time warning they get an X. The player forfeits after their fourth X. This way we don't have to put up with all those fake notifications for time delays.

    1. Thanks for the suggestion. I plan to take another run at the timer synchronization, but I kind of like this idea that simplifies things while also making it a little more clear. Maybe some mix of the two. Thanks again for the suggestion.

  5. The detailed info at the end of the game that is available in the new release 2.8.47 is very much welcome. It's great to be able to review hands after a competitive game and to see where one could have done better wrt discarding cards. During the game there isn't time to review and learn so doing afterwards is super...

    1. Thank you! Glad to hear you are enjoying the updates. More to come...

    2. In the .48 version.... When I'm reviewing hands at the end of the game to understand how I could do better....the hands screen disappears after a short while and takes me back to the menu....is this a bug or a feature???? Seems like a bug to me....

    3. Peterabc, email us at support@FullerSystems.com so we can investigate that further with you.

  6. The problem with the new update is that the final stats are rounded to the nearest whole number. For example, if the hand averages were 8.4 and 8.5, it would probably round it to 8 and 9, respectively. This seems to be a step backwards.

    1. That was a glitch, but an update has already been released to restore that decimal precision.

  7. Still makes no sense why match-ups are allowed between players whose CRs are 700+ different,especially this late in the season. It's poor design. If you're going to do this then when a player starts searching for a match they should be assigned the first person whose available regardless of CR.

  8. It seems like ratings, in the top 50 at least, are averaging about 75 points above previous seasons. Is that due at least partly to higher participation?

    1. Possibly. There are a lot of people playing this season, and so if many are also top players it may lead to a slight CR difference over previous seasons.

  9. I think there's a definite glitch in this season's ratings. I'm only losing 4 or 5 points per loss when I should be losing 3 times more. Also, it seems everybody I'm facing is 4200+. I never get such favorable pairings.


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