Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Announcing Cribbage Pro Contests on iOS!

I'm happy to announce that we are now live with the new iOS update of Cribbage Pro that brings all the new features found on the latest Android release ( to bring contests to everyone.  This means you can finally challenge your friends on iOS to a contest for Cribbage Pro Gold and cash it out as a real cash prize (1 Gold = $1 USD)!

Cribbage Pro is the first and only real cash prize contest system of any kind available on mobile devices like Android and iOS for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.  Please read the link above from the Android release for further details or view the "Contests" section of the game web site and tell your friends.

1 comment:

  1. Come on, guys. Cribbage pro skims off 15 percent of the total pot. That means I'm betting 1 to win 0.7. Plus there's a fee to buy gold! Highway robbery! The skim should be more like 5 percent, in line with the vig of a sports bet...

    Please modify!!!!


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